Thursday, March 5, 2009

The weather was a bit milder today so when Dave came home from work we walked outside to the end of the street and back -- about .2 of a mile -- not much but it's a start and felt great. Spring is in the air.

Not much else to report but my sidekick, little Pete, said he wanted to post a couple bunny jokes so here we go: What do you call an operation on a rabbit? (a hare-cut)

First Rabbit: Did you hear about the doctor who cut off the rabbit's left side by
Second Rabbit: No, I didn't. How's the rabbit?
First Rabbit: He's all right now.

Laugh yourself silly :)
Teri and Pete


  1. That's great you made it outside for a walk for the first time in a while! The weather should be mild this weekend so hopefully you can do it again if it's not too rainy.


    P.S. - don't forget that when you post a blog entry, right above where you type in the text, there's a field where you can put a headline.

  2. Good to hear that you were able to get out. Our family (yes, the boys too!) wishes you the best, and offers our prayers towards your recovery.

    God bless you and yours,
    The Lanski family

  3. Best wishes to you on from Virginia on a beautiful spring morning! God bless you as you continue your recovery!

    Stefanie Scholand Fowler
    I saw a bunny hop across the path early this morning - and the crocuses are peeping out - spring is in the air here, too!

  4. Hi Teri!

    Boy do we all miss you! Glad to hear you got out for a bit yesterday - nicer weather does wonders doesn't it! You are such an inspiration - with that great outlook and spirit! You continue to be on our minds everyday Teri and pray that you continue to have the strength you have now and can be back at your "post" in no time!

  5. Golden aconites are in full bloom in our garden now! A tiny reminder that Easter can't be far off. Best wishes, Eileen, Gordon and James

  6. Oh, gosh! You'll have to go on the Tonight Show with your bunny comedy act!
    You keep us in stitches, too!
    God Bless you Teri and thanks for keeping us tuned in. You ARE too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!

  7. Hi Teri - just sending you good wishes for a speedy recovery. You are in my daily prayers. I love the jokes!!! Take care and hang in there. God bless you!!!


    Roberta Coniglio

  8. Hi Terri,

    I know how important big hugs are to recovery and so I thought I send one through your blog. Not quite the same but my heart is in it! So nice to hear your feeling a bit stronger and got out for a walk. Every baby step is important and a true blessing just like you!!! Love and prayers and hugs too!!
    Kathie Cracium

  9. here is one I can relate to:

    What do you call 500 rabbits running backwards?
    A receding hare line.

    Love & prayers,
    Matt <><

  10. Hi Mrs. Scholand!
    I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying for you! I know it is a long road, but hopefully all of the support from your family and friends will make it a little easier!

    Kylene Riley

  11. Hi Aunt Teri - that's great news about the walk. We're sending you lots of love and prayers. Hope everything goes well tomorrow. Here are a couple more bunny jokes...

    Q: How do you catch a unique rabbit?
    A: Unique up on it.

    Q: What is a rabbit's favorite music?
    A: Hip-Hop!

    Take good care, Love,
    Sean, Sophie, Matthew, Jane & Mike

  12. Dear Teri,

    In keeping with the theme of this blog: What did the naughty rabbit leave for Easter?

    Deviled Eggs!

    What's a rabbit's favorite game?


    Keep smiling and healing...

  13. from the Law Office....

    Did you hear the Energizer Bunny Was Arrested?

    He was charged with BATTERY!



  14. Dear Teri,
    Finally, I found your blog! Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Could you pray for my next door neighbor whose oldest son committed suicide yesterday -she is devistated.She needs your powerful prayers now. Is it good news that it is uterine rather than ovarian? You know how cool we are!! What is your email address? We leave for home on April 1st-then we will be over to visit.
    Love to you,
    Carol and Sam temporiarly from West Palm!

  15. Dear Mrs. Scholand,
    I'm glad we can check your progress and see how you're doing. Get Well Soon!

    Nikk Michalski
