Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mediport in Place

Greetings everyone! I have not been very good at giving you updates lately partly because there isn't much to report some days and because I'm doing more things as time from surgery increases. On Sunday I went to see my Mom at the County Home. I hadn't seen her in over 3 weeks so that was a good visit. On Monday I went to Prayer Group at St. Joe's. A group of us have been meeting to pray for an hour on Mondays for 20 years and we are strength for each other at times like these and always. We bring everyone we know who is in need before the Lord and always expect miracles.
Today I returned to Roswell to have the mediport placed, have an EKG, a CAT scan and more blood work. I was also supposed to meet with my oncologist about beginning chemo but the day was already so filled there wasn't time before the doctor had to leave so that meeting is scheduled for next week. That's fine with me as the mediport is supposed to take 2 weeks to heal.
The CAT scan revealed that I have some fluid on the left lung which they think will resolve itself with the help of water pills I take daily.
We are now looking forward to Greg and Suzi both being home this weekend for a few days of good family time and Scrabble games.
Thank you to all for your continued prayer, healing thoughts and expressions of support in so many ways. Day by day and step by step, our journey continues and we trust in the Lord's presence through it all.
Bunny Hugs--


  1. Teri, your strength and faith are such an inspiration to all of us who know and love you so much. I continue to pray for a miracle for you and God's goodness and blessings for your family. Have a wonderful time with the kids this weekend and hope to see you at prayer group next monday.
    Love and hugs,
    Bon Bon

  2. Hi Teri - so glad to see that you posted!!! I was going to have to "yell" at you for not keeping up with your blog :)

    It must have been a very exhausting day yesterday at Roswell. I'm sorry that you didn't get to meet with your doctor, but glad that you get the "extra" week to heal before starting chemo.

    Hope that your birthday is special and that you have a wonderful visit with Suzi and Greg. It's supposed to be warmer this weekend, so maybe you will be able to get out and walk a little too.

