Saturday, May 2, 2009

Merry Month of May

Hi to all Family and Friend Blogsters!!
Shame on me for going so long without posting an update. Why? you ask?
Well, I went back to work. That sure took a big chunk out of my days but it's great to be back to all the smiling faces at school from our 3-year old pre-K children to the crossing guard. As mentioned previously, I worked half days the first week, then went full time last week. I was ready for a nap the first week when I got home but made it through the second week fine. Of course being another week away from chemo helps. Last weekend was absolutely beautiful with temps in the 70's and 80's. I rode my bike for the first time last Saturday -- only a mile and 1/2, but made it 3 and 1/2 on Sunday. Today we went hiking in the woods and had a first experience of geo-caching-- one of Greg's pasttimes. It was fun.
Monday afternoon I am scheduled to have a cat scan, then the third dose of chemo on Wed. and Thurs. so please continue to keep us in your prayers and enjoy every day in the merry month of May!
Love and Bunny Hugs--
Teri :)


  1. Theresa,
    I love and share your positive attitude. You have given me reason to get my bike out of the basement and onto the street(with me on it). My love and prayers are with you always. Good luck with the CT scan and your next round.
    Love, Nancy P.

  2. Why Miss Teri! You make me feel LAZY! HA HA!
    Keep up the good work, you spring chik!

  3. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Guess I have no excuse for not exercising if you can get out there and do it! Good luck this week, we will be praying for you.

    Robin, Brian & Alexandra

  4. Dear Teri,

    Sure hope that all goes well in this very busy week for you.
    You're getting more exercise than me now... I miss my walks, and the feet are getting a bit better. The swelling is pretty much gone, but they are both still many shades of purple, blue and black. (At least the red is gone!)


  5. We are so happy to hear that things are going well for you! We are sure that every student at NCCS is happy that you have returned:)We are thinking of you!

    Max, Amy, and Baby Anna

  6. Hi Aunt Teri!
    Steve is visiting us in Iceland. I just showed him your blog, he thinks it's great. Hope you're doing well and not working too hard at work!
    Fee & gang
