Wednesday, March 4, 2009

They Kept Me In Stitches :)

Went for the 2 week check-up today at Roswell and found out the stitches will disintegrate on their own when they're ready. Doctors said the healing was going well. Also was told the main diagnosis was uterine cancer rather than ovarian as it evidently began in the uterus.
Next Wednesday, I will go to have a mediport surgically placed for easier infusion of chemo which will begin the following week. There will be 7 sessions of chemo with three weeks between each session. So we move ahead, grateful for all the prayers and support from so many angels.
Love and Blessings--


  1. Teri - This all sounds very positive. I know that you will continue to face what lies ahead with your usual courage and amazing attitude :) We are all sharing in your journey, so don't be shy about asking for an ear, a shoulder, or a fruit plate...
    Love, Donna

  2. Hi Teri....sending my love and prayers (in the wee hours of the a.m.) You are always in my thoughts and prayers...and in my heart. You have a great outlook and strong belief! I know God is with you every step of the way. I will be in touch again you dear friend, Juli

  3. Love the picture with the cuniculi.....Rest in the hands of the Spirit!
    from :pumpkin bread!

  4. Hi Teri..we just heard about your surgery, and just wanted to tell you that you are in our prayers. We know that you are a strong, positive person and will overcome anything! Great picture
    of you and your bunny-I always think of you when I see a cute little bunny! We love you and miss you!
    Laurie,Jim, and Beth Michaels

  5. Hi Teri!
    Just wanted to tell you that we are all thinking about you and that we miss you in the office! Stay strong, we're all cheering for you.
    Chris, Liz, Christopher and Stephanie VanCheri
