Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Surprise!

Hi Blog People!!
It's still November so I thought I would sneak in an update and wish everyone a belated Thanksgiving. I was hoping to get it out before, but you know me. Forget that! As you can see from the picture, we were blessed to have all 4 (Pete is of course included) children home for Thanksgiving and brother Ken.
We did not expect Suzi and Jason as right along they said it was so close to Christmas and so costly to fly and Jason had school Mon. and Tues., but they surprised us and walked in with Greg on Wednesday afternoon. They left on Saturday and though the time was short, we enjoyed and made the most of every minute!
On the medical scene, I have finished the first round of 8 chemo sessions with Topotecan. One time I had to follow up with an infusion of 2 pints of blood because my hemoglobin was low, another time I couldn't get the chemo because my white blood cell count was too low, so it just pushed everything down a week. I had the last session on Nov. 18th with a follow up of 1 pint of blood on the 20th. Now I have 2 weeks off with the next appointment on Dec. 9th for blood work, physical, and the first of the next round of 8 chemo sessions. I expect there will be a CT scan soon to see how well the toucans have done their work.
In my last entry, I spoke about my increase in appetite due to taking a drug called Megaise or Megastrol. That has continued and I gained 14 lbs. in 2 months which is almost all I lost. My energy thus returned and I'm feeling much better than the days when eating was not at all enjoyable and such a struggle. Now I have to watch it so I don't gain 7-10 lbs. every month!
Chances are I won't be adding to the blog until next year, so we wish you all a very peaceful Advent season and joyful, meaningful Christmas. Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and concern over these months. That reinforces any medication I take big time!
Love and Bunny Hugs--
Teri :]

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Autumn! and 1 down, 7 to go!

Hi Blog Buddies if there are any left. I just got first place in the worst blogmaster in the universe contest. It's been a while and now we are into my favorite season of autumn. Pumpkins, leaves changing colors, grape fragrance from the vineyard.... on and on.

So my story continues. I did have the CT scan on 9/9 but the dr. appt. scheduled for the following Fri. (9/11) was changed to Mon. (9/14). That appt. confirmed that I still had enlarged lymph nodes but my dr. was not there to discuss my treatment plan so we had to go back on Wed. (9/16). I had not seen my surgeon/oncologist since the day of surgery in Feb. He was very sure that the next step would be more chemo with a different drug -- Topotecan (toe-poe-TEE-kan). It sounds like an African bird to me, like a toucan, and I visualize him eating all the nasty cells. I had a choice of going to Roswell every day for 5 days, then having 16 days off, then repeating that cycle or going once a week for 8 weeks. I chose the once a week. My first infusion was last Wed. (9/23) and took only a half hour compared to the 5 - 8 hours I had for two days with the last regimen. Of course I need to have blood work first and a preliminary infusion for hydration and medication to prevent nausea so we were actually there for about 2 hours. At the end of the 8 weeks or possibly before, a CT scan will be ordered to see how things are going. After 8 weeks I will have 3 weeks off, then start again if needed for as long as needed. I must say the side effects are minimal compared to what I had before, at least so far.
The pharmacist was also at our meeting with the doctor and she ordered something to increase my appetite which was still quite poor. I never got hungry and had a hard time thinking about food let alone eating it. After 4 days on the medication, I notice my appetite returning which is great as this has been a struggle for the last 6 months since eating is not an option.
So that is the update for this month. We appreciate your continued prayers and wish you a wonder-filled fall season!
Bunny Hugs--
Teri :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

7 Down, ? to Go!

August Greetings to all!
This summer seems to be moving along at a rather alarming rate! Suzi returned to Oklahoma on August 5th and has already started teacher professional development days. Kids start coming on Wed. (8/12). We in the east have almost another month to go, but this has been a much cooler summer than usual which is fine with me, especially this year.
I did have my last scheduled chemo on 7/29 and 30. But the CT scan just before it shows that I still have some enlarged lymph nodes so I have another CT scan on 9/9/09 with an oncologist visit on 9/11 to determine what comes next. Possibly more chemo. At least I have 6 weeks off this time instead of 3, so I should have a couple of feel-almost-normal weeks in there. Whatever happens, I know you'll be praying and I'm always expecting miracles.
Peter Rabbit, my trusty side-kick, is now 3 years old. He made it through the terrible twos which weren't terrible at all. Greg called on his birthday in July and played "Happy Birthday" on his banjo. Pete was delighted! Of course we had carrot cake :).
Love and Bunny Hugs--

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pics from The Ride for Roswell

Here are some pictures to go with my last posting.
Here we are with our friends Mike and Lynn.

We were happy to have the family all together for the Ride!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yo! 6 Down, 1 to Go!!

Hi in July Blog Buddies!
I have been rather lax in posting, I know. There never seems to be enough hours in a day and I have to think about what to say. How do you like that poem?
Last year on this date, we traveled to Virginia to begin the final countdown events for Suzi and Jason's wedding. Now the love birds are in California celebrating their first anniversary! How could that be? I have thanked God so many times that I was able to get through that year before the banaca blast!
Since the last posting, we all participated in the Ride for Roswell on June 27th-- an annual event for the cancer institute that I spoke of previously. Dave and Greg rode 62.5 miles with our friend Mike in less than 6 hours with stops. Time on bike was 4 hrs. 20 min. It was a perfectly beautiful day. Suzi and I and Lynn (Mike's wife) were volunteers in one of the information booths. Over 6,000 riders raised over 2 million dollars at this event! Next year the goal is to be a rider once again.
The following Friday (7/3) Jason arrived to spend a few days with us before he and Suzi left for Virginia, then on to California. We got some good wii time in, and played several games of "Catch Phrase". One of Suzi's bridesmaids and her husband brought their little 2 month old baby Andrew to visit, and we also went to a graduation party. As always the time flew, and it was time for chemo on July 8 and 9. Now I'm RUNNING toward THE LAST CHEMO SESSION on July 29 and 30! On the 24th, I will be going to Roswell for a MUGA scan (to check my heart) and CT scan which will most likely determine how well the chemo has done it's work. We're hoping and praying Roswell will tell me to take a hike and not to come back for a while.
Phoebe the Clown (my other self) is getting ready for Bible Camp on August 10-14. It's called Crocodile Dock and will take us to bayou country with 40 little campers and almost as many staff. There's simply always something to look forward to.
So whatever you're looking forward to, just keep celebrating life day by day.
Healthy Hugs--

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Summer!! 5 Down, 2 to Go!

Hi All!!
Guess it's time for an update. The month of June is speeding by.
On Saturday the 13th, I took part in our local Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society. Our school always had a team and I would always go in the past and walk the track a few times in the afternoon. But this year was different as I walked the first lap at noon -- the survivor's lap. We wore purple shirts and I got to walk with two special friends and inspirations -- Mary who is a survivor of 25 years and is now 88 years old and still doing wonderful things to make life more colorful for all, and Alissa who is now 17 years old and has been cancer free for 10 years now. She was so young when she was first diagnosed and our parish rallied around her with prayer and care and we're so happy to see her blossoming in many ways. She will begin college at Fredonia State in the fall. I was so honored to walk with these two stars in my life. Dave and I went back to the track after dark to walk when all the luminaries were lit-- remembering, honoring and supporting those touched by cancer.
On Monday the 15th I was at Roswell for another CAT scan and on Wednesday and Thursday of this past week, I had my 5th session of chemo. Only two more to go. Yeah!
Dave saw his doctor recently after all the testing he went through after his near fainting spell and everything checked out well. His heart is strong and arteries clear which is a blessing.
We look forward to Suzi and Greg's arrival on Tuesday (Greg was in San Antonio for a conference) and Jason will come about a week later. Let the summer fun begin!
Thanks for continued prayers.
Bunny Hugs--

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Now It's 4 Down, 3 To Go!!

Hi All!!
It's great to be on the down side of the hill now with only 3 treatments to go -- the last being 2 months from today -- July 30th.
This week I had an echocardiogram on Tuesday to be sure the strong meds I'm getting are not damaging my heart. They proceeded with treatment as usual so I guess we're doing OK.
Every day brings it's blessings, especially with all the beauty of nature unfolding around us.
June is about to bust out all over and with it comes the Ride for Roswell on Sat. June 27th. Dave and Greg are training for the 60 mile ride and Suzi and I will volunteer in some way that day.
I prefer to ride but can't go the distance this year. I haven't been on the bike in a while because of unfavorable weather when I have the time or energy to ride. So I try to walk whenever I can.
Thanks for continued prayer as the healing progresses. The PIT tube is still flowing freely.
Bunny Hugs--

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3 Down, 4 to Go!

Hi Everyone!!
I wanted to get this out on Sat. or Sun. to wish all Moms a Happy Mother's Day, especially our new Mom friends -- Robin, Amy and Jen. Alas, that didn't work but as we all know, motherhood is more than just a day so keep celebrating life!
Last Monday I had a cat scan. I asked if I could have a bunny scan instead, but they couldn't comply. When I went for chemo on Wed. I was told that I have a blood clot in my pelvis, something very common after surgery. The cure -- an injection of Lovenox to the abdomen every day for six months! One would think six weeks would do the trick but NOT. So my original neulasta training is now coming in handy. Chemo went as scheduled and again I felt fine until mid-Saturday. Sunday was a quiet day of laying low waiting for the cloud to lift. But I did have good chats with Greg and Suzi and Peter Rabbit was around for pet therapy. Monday morning I was pretty ready to go back to work and every day now will get better until the last week of May when we go for the next round.
I was very impressed with all who commented that they were inspired to exercise after the last blog entry. Keep it up -- so vital to a healthy lifestyle and I'll try to do the same.
Bunny Hugs--

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Merry Month of May

Hi to all Family and Friend Blogsters!!
Shame on me for going so long without posting an update. Why? you ask?
Well, I went back to work. That sure took a big chunk out of my days but it's great to be back to all the smiling faces at school from our 3-year old pre-K children to the crossing guard. As mentioned previously, I worked half days the first week, then went full time last week. I was ready for a nap the first week when I got home but made it through the second week fine. Of course being another week away from chemo helps. Last weekend was absolutely beautiful with temps in the 70's and 80's. I rode my bike for the first time last Saturday -- only a mile and 1/2, but made it 3 and 1/2 on Sunday. Today we went hiking in the woods and had a first experience of geo-caching-- one of Greg's pasttimes. It was fun.
Monday afternoon I am scheduled to have a cat scan, then the third dose of chemo on Wed. and Thurs. so please continue to keep us in your prayers and enjoy every day in the merry month of May!
Love and Bunny Hugs--
Teri :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Two Down, Five to Go

Happy Easter Week Everyone!! It's not just a day, but a season to celebrate!
For miracles at sunrise, for promises come true...
May Easter be a hope re-renewing and inspiring time for you!
All the services of Holy Week were special and I was able to attend them all, including the 3 hour Easter Vigil with Greg. Poor Dave had to rest that evening despite the fact that he had attended several choir practices in preparation. We went to morning prayer on Saturday and all of a sudden Dave felt light headed and hot, then he felt cold. I asked him if he wanted to leave but he said he couldn't and laid down in the aisle. This happened a couple of years ago at work. I thought after he rested a while he would be able to get up so we could leave, but our Deacon thought we should call 911 which he did. So we spent a couple of hours in the emergency room (which isn't long according to some ER stays) where Dave got IV's and was tested. The doctor determined that he had "vasovagal near syncope" which has to do with a lowering of blood pressure for no apparent reason. Some people are just prone to it. Near syncope means that he didn't actually faint but came close. After resting Saturday and part of Sunday, he was fine. My brother Ken and niece Valerie came to visit us and Mom. We had a nice day. The sun was shining bright. We went to Erie on Monday and walked at Presque Isle State Park, went to a book store we like and had lunch (it's a tradition for us on the day after Easter) He was back at work on Tuesday and accompanied me to Roswell on Wednesday for Round 2 of chemo. Back on Thursday with friend Mary Jane (or Maria Janina in Polish). Today I got my shot, given by friend Anita. I had received training on how to give it to myself, but when I saw that the price of the shot was over $3,000 ($30 co-pay for me), it made me a little nervous. Since I am over 8 weeks from surgery now, I'm hoping I won't get as tired as last time. I'm feeling fine now.
The doctor has cleared me to go back to work on Monday (4/20) for half days the first week and I can also start riding my bike after a few days post chemo.
So we're optimistically moving along. Thanks to all for prayers for both Dave and I which I know without a doubt is what sees us through day by day. We are so grateful for the support we have received in so many ways.
May your flowers bloom brightly. I was so proud of our daffodils and hyacinths that rallied despite the fact that they got snowed on one day! A nice lesson for us.
Bunny Hugs and Blessings
Teri :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy April!

Greetings from Fredonia where there has been snow on Monday, chilly sun on Tuesday, rain on Wednesday, sun and warmth on Thursday, and high winds and rain on Friday as we sailed from March to April. At least you can't say we don't have variety!
I left you last Friday after my 3-day marathon at Roswell. Saturday I went to Mass and grocery shopping with Dave, then I started going downhill energy-wise. Sunday was the lowest energy day I have had yet which is what other people who have experienced chemo told me. You feel it a few days later. I did manage to go for a walk in the afternoon with Dave but not much more. The recliner and I were fast friends for the day. Monday saw improvement and each day through the week. I never experienced much joint pain they said I might. So all in all, if that's the only side affect, good Lord, so many other people put up with much more than that.
On Wednesday, when I am not at Roswell, I go locally for a CBC (blood count) that is faxed in to Roswell. If they see there is a problem (eg. low white blood count making me more prone to infection), they will call and let me know. I did not receive a phone call so that's yet another thing to be grateful for. The Doc said the recovery from surgery would be six weeks and that occured on Thursday. So I should be able to do the bunny hop soon.
May your road to Easter joy be blessed!
Peace, Love and Bunny Hugs--

Friday, March 27, 2009

One Down, Six to Go

Hi Blog Checkers!!
This was the week for me to begin chemo. When I got up at 5:30a.m. on Wed. 3/25 and got the tea pot on for breakfast, I checked my daily calendar which had a message from God to start the day -- from Romans 15:13 -- "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." I knew after reading that, that all would go well.
My friend Judy picked me up at 6:30a.m. and we had a beautiful sunrise on the way -- another sign from heaven. There is a special wing for those involved in studies on the 7th floor -- private rooms with recliners, bathroom in room. Snacks and drinks are always available. Everyone is so nice. After preliminary paperwork and intravenous input, chemo began at 11:30 and continued until 3:00 -- doxorubicin and cisplatin along with saline, magnesium and potassium. I arrived home around 4:30 ready for a nap.
The next day, my friend Toni picked me up at 8:00 as we did not have to report until 9:30. Chemo began at 10:30 (Paclitaxel or Taxol is the brand name). They added a low dose of benedryl and I slept for 1 and 1/2 hours at Roswell, off and on in the car on the way home and again when I got home around 3:30. I was glad they gave me a low dose or I would still be bagging the zzzzzzz's I think.
I knew that I needed to get a shot on the day after chemo and right along they had been telling me that a nurse would come to my home for the first one and show me how to give the injections. That story changed yesterday when they told me they wanted me to come in today so they could observe me for an hour after the shot for any reaction. So back to Roswell today with friend Jan who has a flexible schedule. I learned how to give the shot and got an hour of reading in with no reaction. They say I will have joint pain for a few days but motrin should help with that.
So that is the story of chemo 1. So far, so good and I just know that all the prayers on my behalf are the greatest therapy of all. Thank you so much for keeping my PIT (Prayer Infusion Tube) flowing.
Love and Bunny Hugs--

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Living in a House of Cards

Hi Folks!!
Looks like my entries come weekly or weakly :). With Suzi's help with the 20 or so steps to complete this, we share this picture of how we are using space creatively to display the many cards I have received since my surgery. Dave set up some string across the ceiling in the living room and dining room and Suzi strung as many as she could -- a museum of healing words, thoughts and prayers.
We had a great weekend with Greg and Suzi at home. It was warm enough for Scrabble games on the porch both Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, I went to Church for the first time since my homecoming, and after that we went to Sherman for pancakes and warm maple syrup. It's a family rite of spring that goes back about 20 years and I'm grateful that this year was no exception. The maple syrup is produced on site --- mmmmmmmm.
Yesterday was my day at Roswell for blood work, doctor check-up and echocardiogram. Chemo will begin next Wednesday and Thursday (I will most likely have to go 2 days as I am in a study and the group I was put in needs to have 2 days of chemo per session - 7 sessions with 3 weeks in between each). Today is the one month anniversary of my surgery and I'm feeling much better than I did on that day. A month of healing is good and the sun shines brightly. Dave took Suzi to the airport today. Back to Oklahoma. She will be in a concert on Sunday and back to school on Monday. We should see her and Jason at the end of June. Greg will be here for Easter which is not that far off at this point -- we're about halfway through Lent.
Today is the last day of winter too! So Happy Spring to all! It's been a long cold winter in New York with lots of snow so we are more than ready for the new life of Spring.
I continue to rely on your prayers, especially as chemo begins. Since my Prayer Infusion Tube is constantly flowing, I expect to ride this part of the journey on eagle's wings.
Peace, blessings, and bunny hugs--

Thursday, March 12, 2009


It occurred to me after I posted the blog that some of you might say "What about Jason?". Spring break wasn't long enough for Suzi and Jason to go in both directions and Jason had a musical commitment in Virginia so they decided to each go to their respective families for this break. We look forward to seeing Jason in the summer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mediport in Place

Greetings everyone! I have not been very good at giving you updates lately partly because there isn't much to report some days and because I'm doing more things as time from surgery increases. On Sunday I went to see my Mom at the County Home. I hadn't seen her in over 3 weeks so that was a good visit. On Monday I went to Prayer Group at St. Joe's. A group of us have been meeting to pray for an hour on Mondays for 20 years and we are strength for each other at times like these and always. We bring everyone we know who is in need before the Lord and always expect miracles.
Today I returned to Roswell to have the mediport placed, have an EKG, a CAT scan and more blood work. I was also supposed to meet with my oncologist about beginning chemo but the day was already so filled there wasn't time before the doctor had to leave so that meeting is scheduled for next week. That's fine with me as the mediport is supposed to take 2 weeks to heal.
The CAT scan revealed that I have some fluid on the left lung which they think will resolve itself with the help of water pills I take daily.
We are now looking forward to Greg and Suzi both being home this weekend for a few days of good family time and Scrabble games.
Thank you to all for your continued prayer, healing thoughts and expressions of support in so many ways. Day by day and step by step, our journey continues and we trust in the Lord's presence through it all.
Bunny Hugs--

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The weather was a bit milder today so when Dave came home from work we walked outside to the end of the street and back -- about .2 of a mile -- not much but it's a start and felt great. Spring is in the air.

Not much else to report but my sidekick, little Pete, said he wanted to post a couple bunny jokes so here we go: What do you call an operation on a rabbit? (a hare-cut)

First Rabbit: Did you hear about the doctor who cut off the rabbit's left side by
Second Rabbit: No, I didn't. How's the rabbit?
First Rabbit: He's all right now.

Laugh yourself silly :)
Teri and Pete

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

They Kept Me In Stitches :)

Went for the 2 week check-up today at Roswell and found out the stitches will disintegrate on their own when they're ready. Doctors said the healing was going well. Also was told the main diagnosis was uterine cancer rather than ovarian as it evidently began in the uterus.
Next Wednesday, I will go to have a mediport surgically placed for easier infusion of chemo which will begin the following week. There will be 7 sessions of chemo with three weeks between each session. So we move ahead, grateful for all the prayers and support from so many angels.
Love and Blessings--

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Home for a Week - back to Roswell Tomorrow

About this time last Tuesday, we arrived home from the hospital. It was cold but sunny just like today. Sunny always makes you think it's warmer. I'm much stronger than a week ago and tomorrow we return to Roswell to have stitches removed and find out the chemo schedule.
I didn't even get on the computer until 10:00p.m. last night and by the time I answered e-mails and read all the encouraging comments from so many responders, I was pooped :)! It's like your happy faces pop up with waves and smiles and it's a good way to keep connected while I'm out of the mainstream for a while.
I must say I never get bored and rather relish time to pray, read, write and reflect -- something I always sought before but it seemed to allude me except for snippets of time here and there. My family gifted me with a recliner last weekend which has floating-on-a -cloud -comfort and I'm generally wrapped in the royal purple and gold prayer blanket given to me so thoughtfully by my school family. Dave is such a prince of a care-giver. I'm too blessed to be stressed!
Here is a thought for the day which appears on a calendar given to me for Christmas: "In the trials we've faced, something good has happened too: God has fine-tuned us so we are more compassionate, more caring, more loving, more aware of others' pain." I've sensed from the beginning that much good will come out of this seemingly negative experience.
Thanks for being with me on the journey.
Peace and Love--
Teri :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Teri Takes Over the Blog

With some good instruction from Greg on blogging, along with the approval of my trusty sidekick, I think I'm ready to take over this blog so I can keep you up to date on progress. Presently getting better every day and very grateful for all the support and prayers from so many family and friends. Stay tuned for further updates.
Happy St. David's Day!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Home At Last

Teri arrived home as planned Tuesday afternoon and is very glad to be there. Her main objective now (aside from continuing to heal after surgery) is getting her digestive system up and running like normal again. After not eating food for several days last week, and still having very little appetite, this will be a gradual process and right now she's focusing mainly on small portions of cereal and soup.
Of course, not eating much means low energy, so she'll spend the next few days resting and trying to take in more calories. She says there is still little to no pain from the surgery, which is definitely a blessing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Preparing to Head Home

Dave has been visiting Teri daily at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (hereafter RPCI), and is pleased to report she continues to feel better since the surgery. She is now walking the halls for exercise with little to no discomfort, and has graduated from taking baby steps at first to fairly normal strides. She was on liquids over the weekend, then soup, and should be eating solid food by Monday evening.
She is looking forward to Tuesday, when she'll hopefully be able to return home (assuming no complications between now and then). Stay tuned for a more thorough update once she's back in town.
Thank you once again to everyone who has been keeping Teri in their prayers over the past week. She says she can feel them all!