Saturday, June 19, 2010

6 down, CT scan to go

OK pick yourself up off the floor. I know it has been several months since the last entry -- end of January to be exact. I had to read that lengthy thing to find out where I left off. That hospital visit was followed by another at the beginning of February for low blood count of some kind. Soon after that, the Chautauqua County Home informed us that my Mom's lungs were filling with fluid and her organs were beginning to shut down. We went to see her once, sometimes twice a day until February 21. My prayer had been that she would die peacefully and that we would be with her. On that Sunday we arrived at 4:00p.m. and at 4:30 she simply stopped breathing without a struggle of any kind. As she had done with Dad, we prayed the Hail Mary several times "now and at the hour of our death". Our prayers had been answered and we knew she would now know life in fullness once again -- better than ever. The day after her funeral in Rochester, I attended a retreat for women with cancer in Niagara Falls which was a great experience with time to process all that had happened. In mid-March Suzi was home during her school's break for almost a week. Then came Easter and I never seemed to catch up with life and here we are in mid-June. I finished this last series of chemo treatments and will have a CT scan on Tues. June 22 with a follow-up check up and meeting with my oncologist on Wed. June 30. I hope and pray to be able to begin a joyful July with no more chemo please and thank you for your prayers as well. And then on to moving Greg to Case Western University Law School in Cleveland and being a grandma in August with a trip to Oklahoma to meet baby Jacob before school begins again. So there you have it -- the mid-year update. I will attempt to do a July 1 report. Until then, may sunshine dance on your path day by day. Happy Fathers Day tomorrow to all Fathers and Happy summer on Monday to everyone!
Love and Bunny Hugs,